Sunday, August 10, 2014

Primal Fear

Mankind will intentionally destroy the environment that sustains them. Beasts would never do so for they realize they need the environment for future generations. Mankind do kill other humans, sometimes for no reason at all. Meat eating beasts kill out of fear, protection of their young, and if meat eaters for food. 
The penchant for subterfuge and opposable thumbs most men have superior mental faculties than the rest of the animal kingdom but as a result of the conscience that comes with this higher reasoning ability, man is the only creature on earth that truly struggles with rationalizing our purpose here on earth. But we are alike in almost every other way. Not much these days, unfortunately, but for those of us that are different we are able to use our consciousness to reason and empathize etc, thus creating a huge spectrum of emotions and a thought system that make our lives a little less dull than the poor old beast, but a whole lot more complicated and at times inconvenient ;) 
 The only difference between the two is that man possesses a soul that eventually must face its Creator. Man is accountable for all it does on the earth below. Many would argue that man and beast should be seen on the same level, as equals and co-habitants of creation.  While the scriptures certainly acknowledge the cohabitation aspects of life between man and beast, the roles they play are clearly different. Eating, sleeping, mating and defending are 4 activities common to both man and animals. It is only 'dharma', that makes a human being special. Without dharma, man is no better than an animal.
It doesn't end here, more to come.
A poem on Man Vs Beast I read:
I woke up at the crack of dawn
Beheld a creature from the great beyond
I prayed to God "please save my soul"
I tried to escape but could not let go
From the foot of my bed

The sun's rays began to hit my eye
I knew this was it, I was to die
In my own bedroom I could not escape
From the monster who was about to seal my fate
But somehow I must be strong

Then I arose and gasped for air
Breathing heavily the monster disappeared
I sighed with relief I needn't fear
It was just me, looking in the mirror
Go figure

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