Sunday, August 24, 2014

An Indian PhD Story - Of Time and Travails

All scientists who attain a PhD are proud of their degree, because through this course they have gained rightful entry to an academic elite side. 

Is it elite by any standards? Lets have a look at the brighter and darker side of it.

Do you have a PhD, but sometimes feel like a failure? – This happens because of the disconnect between our expectations and the reality of life post-PhD.

By building up the higher education systems, most countries economic growth rise, because they see educated workers as a key to it. But do the science PhD graduates get a chance to take full advantage of their qualification. People who have trained up to be a researcher end up taking the wrath, because industrial sector are not interested in them and due to the number of lessening number of academic jobs. In India alone, the number of PhD graduates coming out is huge and most of them end up unemployed. They feel that spending years to secure this high level qualification end up in securing the wrong job in hand, whether it is worth it or not. 

Academic Institutions prefer fresh and young bachelor’s graduates who can be trained on the job. Industrial sector on the other hand prefer master’s graduates for their job. There are very very few positions / placements for the elite people to join and work. It is very hard to find a match between a postdoc position and company to settle into. Now where do people who qualify more than them (read elite) stand, literally at home or no place to go. Unemployed PhD graduates are more in number compared to their Bachelor’s and Master’s counterparts. (You have a doubt, go on taking a survey with the awarded number of doctorates in natural sciences cropping year and year and their current position.)

By the time they come out (read graduated), most of the desired positions are already filled in due to the desired time period/duration, therefore they end up in technological services, and the rest in positions they are not proud of to shout. Not all end up earning a living from what they have been trained in. Therefore, universities should experiment in PhD programmes that better prepare graduate students for careers outside academia. Not knowing this/ By knowing this fully well, some superiors are trying to strike a gold/platinum in churning out more number of PhD students year after year to withstand their ego among their colleagues.
A survey has shown that PhD holders were not always more satisfied with their jobs than those without the degree, nor were they earning substantially more. Science and Technology Advancement is what takes a country’s pride and economic growth forward, but the latter’s pace with that of its PhD numbers is not kept up and many with doctorates end up taking jobs below their level of expertise.

Let me ask, how many of the churned out PhD graduates have a coveted post at a top university or research institution for a postdoc position in their own country or other country per se.

Well, one should then see a PhD not just as a mastery of a discipline, but also training of the mind to survive in the world. If they later get a chance to master their hard earned skills, perfect, else, they can use their skills into a new region/area and add value. Due to this very reason, the poor job market has discouraged some potential students from embarking on science PhDs.

Common problems-
Even the selection of a rightful candidate for PhD is based on caste/sects of superiors in some places. They always go through super-lows and blows to get into the elite. Some do not get materials on time, common lab facilities, and end up loosing years to get the result without support from their superiors. They bygone life’s many crucial situations unattended to achieve it. Some sweep floors, some sleep with, also to attain it. Not by choice, but without choice. Some loose their honey, some do not even get money (read common funding like fellowship). Some step back, some get stabbed on the back in the process. Such is their fate. To earn the “D”, him/her gets belittled not only among superiors but in society too. Most of them fall out to fake promises, lend by people with fake smiles. Comments made by our peers or family about our ‘failure’ to find a permanent academic post can feel hurtful, demeaning or patronising. And in the end even if you are victorious, it is only a pyrrhic victory. 

A Poem on PhD by Mary Lewis
I stood and looked out to sea,
I said ‘Hey Sea, you look at me’.
I have my boat of inspiration, my bravery,
My curiosity and I will conquer thee.

I paddled out with oars and glee.
It was pure excitement that was carrying me.
Day turned to night, night turned to day,
I knew exactly what I would say.

The waves crashed, my oars broke.
But I stood firm, I would not choke,
Just rest a while.
Maintain that smile.

I lay a drift, with no oars to row.
How to get to shore, I just didn’t know.
The sea was harsh, my boat would sink.
I needed to take some time to think.
My bravery had turned to stone.
As now I felt all alone.

Drowning in the big blue sea
Wondering ‘Where is me?’
I look around and all I see
Are words and words that float by me.
Like fish, quotes pop up from out the sea.
A distant light shine’s- ‘Is that for me?’

I gathered the words.
I built a raft.
That one star chapter.
The ‘good final draft’.
On my raft I began to float
Gathering more words onto my boat.
I saw the light upon the shore.
Scared and alone I was no more.

The words were too many for my small raft.
More was needed for me to craft.
But the light it faded far away.
In the big blue sea I must stay.
More rafts I built,
To make sense of this world.

Took time to think
But I did not sink.
So here I sit in my PhD boat.
Where I must learn to bob and float.
But the shining light that guides you in, it fades so fast.
I hang on to the thought that one day, this will be my past.
I stand and look out to sea,
I say ‘Hey Sea, you look at me’.
I will conquer thee.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Live n Let Live

I really don't understand why Indians have such incredible guilt associations with finding a new partner after a relationship or marriage fails. It's almost as if they either berate for being selfish, greedy or wanton for wanting to move on and find happiness in the arms of another person.
A relationship is an attempt at finding someone who enhances your life, environment and personality and brings joy and stability. sometimes, we pick the wrong person and sometimes, the person was right for the time, but currently isn't an appropriate life companion for the road ahead. relationships are organic like plants. If a plant dies, it doesn't mean you won't plant a new one and simply let your garden become barren and console yourself with the memory of what was. the pursuit of happiness is neither a crime nor immoral.
People often withdraw from seeking new partners because of the fear of being judged and criticised and deny themselves the right to find a great life companion. if you don't want another partner, or feel you aren't ready for another partner, then its fine. but if you are basing the decision on "what is acceptable to others" and "what will people think", know one thing - it is you who wake up lonely and sleep lonely.The people who intimidate you into singledom, all have partners whom they go back home to every night. Everyone has the right to a happy ending.

The above words are definitely not mine, nor would i say that i support it or not support it. This blog is a remainder, just in case if you are fearing to go ahead in a new relationship afraid of what others would think of you.
Life goes on even after death of past.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Primal Fear

Mankind will intentionally destroy the environment that sustains them. Beasts would never do so for they realize they need the environment for future generations. Mankind do kill other humans, sometimes for no reason at all. Meat eating beasts kill out of fear, protection of their young, and if meat eaters for food. 
The penchant for subterfuge and opposable thumbs most men have superior mental faculties than the rest of the animal kingdom but as a result of the conscience that comes with this higher reasoning ability, man is the only creature on earth that truly struggles with rationalizing our purpose here on earth. But we are alike in almost every other way. Not much these days, unfortunately, but for those of us that are different we are able to use our consciousness to reason and empathize etc, thus creating a huge spectrum of emotions and a thought system that make our lives a little less dull than the poor old beast, but a whole lot more complicated and at times inconvenient ;) 
 The only difference between the two is that man possesses a soul that eventually must face its Creator. Man is accountable for all it does on the earth below. Many would argue that man and beast should be seen on the same level, as equals and co-habitants of creation.  While the scriptures certainly acknowledge the cohabitation aspects of life between man and beast, the roles they play are clearly different. Eating, sleeping, mating and defending are 4 activities common to both man and animals. It is only 'dharma', that makes a human being special. Without dharma, man is no better than an animal.
It doesn't end here, more to come.
A poem on Man Vs Beast I read:
I woke up at the crack of dawn
Beheld a creature from the great beyond
I prayed to God "please save my soul"
I tried to escape but could not let go
From the foot of my bed

The sun's rays began to hit my eye
I knew this was it, I was to die
In my own bedroom I could not escape
From the monster who was about to seal my fate
But somehow I must be strong

Then I arose and gasped for air
Breathing heavily the monster disappeared
I sighed with relief I needn't fear
It was just me, looking in the mirror
Go figure

Monday, September 5, 2011

Living Life the way, Heart Seeks

Human’s burdens are too many and heavy to carry. He knows of ways to lighten his load of burdens, but doesn’t do it. Man must realise the central truth that egoistic impulses, selfish desires; indicate our own narrow self. We need to be conscious enough, so that we understand our inner being. When our soul is detached and imprisoned within the narrow limits, created by self, it looses its sheen and significance.

Upanishad says, “Know thine own Soul”.

Discovery of ourselves outside us will make us more glad. To deepen his contact, he establishes relation with literature, art, science, society and religion. His wants are endless and lives in poverty, till he attains his true self. The heavenly kingdom is closed, if you do not possess the key to open the gates of truth, which is your soul and is the ultimate end of man(bliss). The discovery of liberation of his mind is pure joy to him.

Human heart has been uttering and will utter only one prayer for a lifetime, “Reveal thyself in me, From unreality lead me to the real, from darkness to the light, from death to immortality”.

How will this prayer be granted, when we know that the distance between truth and lie, death and life is infinite. This distance can be only bridged, when he loves/reveals himself in the soul. Instead he lust after worldly pleasures, which makes them desirable to him, and finally greed sweaps him off his feat. He is lost in amidst of his own desires. And he prays to God, to sweap all his sins. Man has never tried to understand that accumulation is not realisation. We are basically flawed, having frailties in our characters. We keep expecting others to compliment us, and expect it to make us happy at all ages than self. People do spend a major part of their lives, running after the people they desire for. They find themselves incomplete and complete their lonely life, with the comfort provided by others.

Then what is the essence of true living?

It is the inner light that truly reveals him, not outer things. Love beautifies the whole relationship and gives more meaning to life, to live. Love everyone from your heart unconditionally, and life becomes more meaningful and beautiful to you. Steal away the burdens beneath others hearts and tender them with your love. Appreciate people, for what they are within, and not what they appear from outside.

Understand that, the root is your character, your view and your expressions.

Start focussing on the beautiful side of you. Make a list of goals to be achieved and accomplish them well in time. Never rush or push yourself to get quick results. Best thing you can gift yourself is being satisfied with the way you are. Consider yourself as a complete personality and control your life. Treat yourself, same as you treat others. Instead of teaching others, how to treat us, we should respect ourselves first. And never forget to smile. You never know, who may fall in love with you. 

"A chance to make a fresh beginning,
And to change failure into winning;
To live a little better,
And let your faith not shatter.
You can be a winner,
When God is on your side;
Just trust His loving care,
For He can turn the tide.”

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Celebrating the Hood

The word “Women” is always fascinating. She has in her the great abilities viz., to give, share, bear, nurture, work, adjust and qualities of head and heart. She has made the society proud by preserving age old traditions, moral fervor and great service to religion. She is the spiritual vein for us. Without her, our life would be great standstill. She is always portrayed as power and as the essence of reality. She is celebrated and preached in various forms of Devi, the Goddess and the embodiment of supreme eternal knowledge which becomes the cause of the release from bondage. Since eternity, she has played a role more important than men. 

A society cannot develop without the development of its womenfolk. Educate a woman and you educate the whole family. India has the largest population of non-school-going working girls. Though rural women have less opportunities and advantages than urban women, they have made rapid improvements despite lacking in basic facilities. The efforts of government, social welfare organizations and NGOs should be thanked for such drastic improvement. India's constitution guarantees free primary school education for both boys and girls up to age 14. Overall, the literacy rate for women is 39 percent versus 64 percent for men.

Jawaharlal Nehru said "You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women"

As women receive greater education and training, they will earn more money. As she earns more money, she spends it in the further education and health of her children. As she rises in economic status, she gains greater social standing. The list of problems and issues she face are endless. Considering the innumerable forms of violence women in India are entitled to, we (men) should salute her determination and strength by which she survive, grow and achieve so much. We should renounce any practice derogatory of the dignity of women. She should be well-respected, her needs and aspirations is essential/required, because only then she can give her best to the society. The happier a woman; the healthier her outlook and lovelier her home. Just look at her itinerary for a day; she sleeps for a few hours, cooks food, cleans the house, wash clothes, gets her children ready for school and themselves ready for job. A major burden of running the family is always on the shoulders of women. 

She is more confident and one can find her in every possible sphere of human’s life. She now participates in all activities such as education, sports, politics, media, art and culture, service sectors, science and technology, etc. Her selflessness should be respected. She has always been there for us every now and then in the guise of a mother, wife, sister, daughter and a good friend to turn to, when we (men) need support. The world would not have been the same a lovely place to live, without your immense contribution.

Let us resolve to allow her to blossom and flower. Let us pray for her wellness, dedicate our victory and pay tribute by respecting her evens & odds. Let us celebrate her hood, the womanhood.

This essay is a tribute to Indian women; and to the women who have been and will be a part of my life. This essay is based on inputs from several articles and forums about position of women in Indian society.

Happy Womens Day.

Prabhath Avadhanula wrote:

"I wander on these crowded roads
Wander through these streets
Lie in fields of lonely rows
Sown in empty seed.
And what I need
Is the power of a woman
The healing of her touch
Those eyes that bring redemption
To every one of us.
And all I need
Is the summer of her solace
The fall of her gaze
The winter snows of her concerns
That blossoms spring to change.
I need her hand to guide me
To a higher star
And hold me back again
When I have strayed too far.
And when that commotion hurries
This world to disarray
Give me the power of a woman
And I will be okay"
(The Power of Woman)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why are U into Me!!!!!

At some point of time, every person, immaterial his/her, gets too possessive/obsessed about something or person. For some it is an addiction, for others it’s a way of showing their love. You show possessiveness on a person, when you care and love him/her immensely. A feeling, if not controlled may ruin or spoil the relationship or equation with that person. What most misunderstand is that, a relation does not involve ownership, it requires partnership. No matter how much we give, it never seems to be enough for them. Sometimes, our silence is also mistaken for “not showing love”.

So what are the reasons for this act?
1)      You are empty of self-love
2)      You are low in your self-esteem
3)      You have never ever found a friend in yourself, and
4)      You lack a sense of confidence to guide yourself.

Are these the very reasons. Let’s re-check.

Stop beating yourself for being attracted to that person for their intellect or talent. A healthy relationship means there is an equal amount of give and take. Giving back in a relationship does not only mean showering with affection and gifts. And most of the time, he/she apologize for doing something that is totally unacceptable, later ask forgiveness and promise to change with your help.

“Possessiveness doesn't come when someone needs you in their life. It only comes when someone fears that they will lose you from their life"..... When you are insecure about your love, you'll lose your friend in it. Give space to each other and see how wonderful your relation would be.”

There is a very big difference between feeling and acting possessive. The desire to have someone all to yourself isn't strange or even rare. We have all felt this way at some point of our life. I think most of us share the opinion that personal freedom is of the utmost importance. We are only human, after all.

Boundaries + Compromise = Happiness 

Osho on Possessiveness - Only things can be possessed; beings cannot be possessed.

The only sacred space in the true sense is the privacy of a person – his/her independence. If you love a person you will respect the privacy of the other person. Love is itself a moment, it has nothing to do with permanency and may continue for eternity. If it happens again in the next moment you are blessed. If it does not happen you should be thankful that at least it did happen before. But in their stupidity, people start thinking, "If this person goes out of my hands then I am going to starve my whole life without love." Lovers love only while they are not yet in a fixed relationship. As the relationship settles, love disappears. Once the relationship is fixed, instead of love, something else takes place: possessiveness. They still go on calling it love, but you cannot deceive existence. It can be anything -- but not love. The feeling that your partner is going to leave you is just a feeling. It’s not the truth. Focusing on letting go of your negative feelings about each other and the relationship makes it easier for the two of you. Reassure your partner that you love him/her. We fall in love with someone because of some special points and then try to change him/her according to us. No one changes; one can act to make you happy but within the person remains the same. 

Battle against possessiveness
Possessiveness is always taken in a negative sense, but don’t you think a moderate level of it is needed in a relationship? Yes, an Amount of it is needed, a very small amount mind you, because the feeling of being taken care of and the very knowledge that someone there is worried about you, is simply great. A little distance helps to keep the fire. Anything which is demanded is often denied, that's human nature. Thus, let it flow naturally. The fact that you don't demand, will allow it to come across to you. Every person has a schedule which they have to follow. He/she has to divide his/her time for both professional and personal things. Never trespass on the privacy of the person, because it is the only sacred place in the whole world. Neither Kashi, nor is Mecca sacred.

Of all the manifestations of love, possessiveness is the most colourful. Many people tend to look at possessiveness as a kind of byproduct of extreme love. They contend that it is one of the many ways that love expresses itself. Possessiveness within moderate limits can be beautiful like excessive sugar in the blood that wrecks silently all the vital organs in the body.

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness," said Kahlil Gibran.

When a friend expects to see you every day because they have no other friends it can get tiresome, but if they are going through an emotional difficult time and need your support everyday that is a different matter. Do not just jump to conclusions about why your friend is being possessive. Instead, what you need to do to is investigate further the cause of their possessiveness. To further investigate the issue you and your friend will need to sit down and have some open and honest talks about what is going on. Happiness, contentment, inner peace and just simply to have a joy for life all seem like things that are impossible to achieve in our modern world. Trying to find the path to inner peace is something that human beings have been doing since we have been human. Unfortunately, we live in a world of physical objects that are not permanent and these things are constantly lost to us, or can be easily lost to us. One aspect of aparigraha is found in the idea of not to holding on to material possessions.

Does this mean we should give everything away?

The ideal state is satva(state of harmony b/w low & high energy). A balanced aparigraha is taking only what is necessary for you to live. When we follow the principle of Aparigraha it makes it easier for us to see the beauty inside a person instead of simply judging them by external material objects. The work you put into improving yourself, quieting your mind, learning how to behave in a moral and ethical manner, and learning how to act in accordance with your true inner self is something that can never be lost. Our focus should not be outward to material objects, but instead, our focus should be inward on a spiritual journey that allows us to purify ourselves and also to be able to create positive change in the universe. 

Possessiveness is a natural instinct within us and is even a characteristic of God. The right amount of possessiveness in a relationship makes one feel special and cared. To love and to be loved is the most beautiful feeling.

Sorry for being preachy and I maybe the nth person to write about this topic, yes, but every one of us have experienced this. My words/expressions are never my alone.

William Wordsworth wrote
“The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!”